The most important supplement that comes to every professional’s mind is multivitamin with high mineral and vitamin content. But do we know, why? How can vitamins help us to achieve our goals?
Let’s get to know them!
The vitamins are organic compounds that are fundamental to us. Apart from vitamin D and K our bodies are incapable to produce them so the only way to support ourselves with the sufficient amount of nutrition is trough eating. They are essential for metabolic processes and take part in the control of those biochemical processes where food is utilized and converted to energy.
There are two big groups: water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. The latter explains why we still have to keep fat even in a strict diet. 🙂 Only a certain amount and a certain type of fat of course.
However if the minerals are not present, the vitamins cannot work as the body is incapable to utilize them. The minerals are taking an important part of almost every step of the metabolism. Each of them supports many functions in order to maintain the smooth operation of the body. They make 4% of our bodies and are most importantly the component of the bones. Based on their present volume we call them micro-and macro-elements. The macro-elements are present in the body 0,005 per cent or over. Everything less than 0,005 per cent belongs to the micro-element group or the so called trace elements. The vitamins, minerals and proteins link to each other and build enzymes. The enzymes catalyse the coenzymes, which speed up the chemical processes.
The vitamins, minerals and trace elements support many complex chemical reactions and are increasing each other’s effect. Missing even just only one them or just having less than required will result in the healthy life functions getting adversely affected. The initial slight problems can lead to serious deficiency disease.
Sports, slimming diets, illnesses, negative effects such as stress or even colder weather can substantially increase our vitamin need. The first and most important task is to find the most suitable and ideal solution for ourselves to replace them.
So as long as we do not satisfy the vitamin and mineral need of our bodies, the degradative and constructive metabolism will be unsatisfactory and we will not be able to reach our goals, whatever it may be. This is the smallest but most important building stone of everything but we are able to overlook it so easily in the jungle of the wide nutritional supplement availability. If you make a mistake here, everything can go belly up and you could end up scratching your head searching for the answer to what the problem could be.
Do you need a better vitamin bomb?
Original article written by Angéla Borbély ( by Agi
In Part 2 we will have a look at the role of different type of vitamins in our body.